BIOenergetic Modeling Approach for Sargassum dynamics
BIOMAS is a 4 year project (2023-2026) funded by ANR and FACEPE (Brazil). It focuses on the dynamics of the three morphotypes of pelagic Sargassum of the Tropical Atlantic, through in situ monitoring, experiments and modeling. The aim is to improve our understanding of the biological causes of the proliferation.

UNOC Side Event in Costa Rica
On June 7th, Erika Vázquez Delfín participated to the side event dedicated to Sargassum inundation in the Caribbean.
Evelyn, new PhD on WP2 !
Evelyn Salas Acosta started in February her PhD with T Thibaut, D Robledo and L Berline. It is funded by ARTS-IRD. She will focus on the controlled experiments in Merida. Welcome aboard!
July 2023, Leo Berline (MIO) met Daniel Robledo (CINVESTAV) and colleagues in Merida to prepare experimental work